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Can I apply for probate myself or do I need a solicitor?

If a loved one has recently died, it might be that you’re now having to apply for probate. And with probate, then probably comes so many questions. After all, it’s not necessarily a straightforward process – especially at a time of grief and emotion. 

You might be considering applying for probate yourself. If this sounds familiar, then the good news is – you can apply for probate yourself. However, I would always get in touch with a probate expert before you begin the process. This way, you’ll know that each step has been carried out correctly, which will help to alleviate any unnecessary stress when emotions might already be running high.

Here, we explore how you can apply for probate yourself, without a solicitor. 

Do I need a solicitor to apply for probate?

In short, no, you don’t need a solicitor to apply for probate. However, you should always contact a qualified professional like me, Julie, at Hughes Probate Services, for complete peace of mind that the process is carried out correctly. 

Applying for probate: what to consider

When applying for probate there are a number of reasons why you should contact a probate expert, including:

The size and complexity of the estate

If the estate is small, uncomplicated and mainly consists of straightforward assets, you may consider applying for probate yourself. Small estates often involve minimal paperwork, making the process a little easier for individuals without legal expertise.

However, larger and more estates may be more difficult to understand. Factors that can make an estate complex include: 

  • Many different asset types 
  • Multiple beneficiaries
  • Contests of will 
  • Disputes among beneficiaries

The experience and expertise of a probate professional can be invaluable when navigating the legal requirements and ensuring that all the paperwork is compiled and submitted in the stipulated time frames. 

Removing emotions from the probate process

In situations where emotions are running high, family disputes are present and individuals feel overwhelmed, it can be advisable to hire a probate specialist. Not only does a professional provide legal support, but they also offer a guiding hand to ease the burden on a grieving family and can act as a mediator between beneficiaries should disputes arise.

At Hughes Probate Services, not only am I here to provide invaluable expertise but I’ve also completed grief training, so I can fully support you when you need it most. 

Navigating legal jargon

Probate documents often involve legal jargon and complexities that may be challenging for individuals to completely understand. I can guide you through the paperwork, to ensure that you comply with all requirements and avoid any potential pitfalls or unnecessary delays.

Helping with estate administration

I can guide the executor or administrator by supporting them while valuing the assets and during the administration process. My role is to provide vital support during what can often be an overwhelming process, to ensure the executor or administrator knows who to contact and what paperwork to file, and at what time. In many cases, I find that having a focus can help with the grieving process – and I’ll be there, to hold your hand, every step of the way. 

Peace of mind

Hiring professional support might be deemed as an additional expense. Trust me though, having that peace of mind is completely priceless. In fact, the cost of specialist probate support is often outweighed by the potential savings in time, stress and potential legal pitfalls.

A qualified probate specialist can provide guidance on specific issues, review documents for accuracy and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

How Hughes Probate Services can help

If you’re applying for probate then get in touch with a qualified probate specialist. Whether it’s a listening ear, a friendly face to speak to you or expert advice (or all three), during what can be an extremely difficult time, I am here to help. Get in touch with me, Julie, and let’s arrange a chat.

Although I’m based in Rugby, the Midlands, I work with clients across the UK. If you need my support, give me a call and we can schedule a free initial consultation.